As odd as it may sound, one of the hardest things for me to do as a writer is look at a blank page. I long to see the space filled with flowing sentences that enterain or inform, but going from white to…? Is always the most difficult part of my job. Ideas are rarely a problem for me. Organizing them can be a bit overwhelming for me, however. One might think that self publishing two novels would have helped me to overcome some of this. Well, not so much for me.
My wonderful husband has been encouraging me to blog for at least two years now. I did have a website set up and ready to use some time ago, but I simply couldn’t figure out where to start because there are so many subjects that interest me. There is, of course, writing. Along with that are The Bible, homeschooling, Build-a-Bear-Workshop, knitting, crochet, movies, video & aduio conversion, Android,
photography, pet rats and so much more.
From time to time these other ‘loves’ of mine are sure to pop up in a post, but for the most part I want to share my experiences as a novelist.